Friday, August 20, 2010

Pakistan militants seeking to exploit flood chaos - Telegraph

Pakistan militants seeking to exploit flood chaos - Telegraph:

Pakistan militants seeking to exploit flood chaos
Girls queue for food at a camp for people displaced by floods on the outskirts of Sukkur, southern Pakistan Photo: AP

Islamist insurgents attacked police posts in Pakistan's northwest, killing two members of a local militia following an hour-long gun battle with police.

Dozens of militants from the Khyber tribal region then attacked police posts in Peshawar.

"As the police force is busy in rescue and relief work for flood affectees, militants tried to take advantage of the situation to attack Peshawar, but the police force was fully alert and vigilant," said Liaqat Ali Khan, Peshawar's police chief.

Frustration at the slow relief effort is resulting in increasing anger. About 100 people mobbed two trucks that were delivering food in Shirkapur, in the southern province of Sindh. People climbed the side of the truck to grab supplies, forcing relief workers to whip them with lengths of rope to keep them away.

Foreign aid has begun flowing to the 20 million flood victims, as the European Union nearly doubled its aid to 70 million euros, but the slow pace is translating into increased hostility for President Asif Ali Zardari.

Yesterday he risked further ire by leaving the devastated country for a visit to Russia.

However, he insisted Pakistan would recover.

"Pakistan will come out of this a stronger nation," Mr Zardari said at a meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in southern Russia.

"We have... the capabilities, we have the people, and all tragedies always unite nations. This tragedy will again unite us."

Fears that militants are seeking to exploit the current humanitarian crisis in Pakistan come as the country's ISI intelligence agency said Islamic terrorists groups have now replaced India as the main threat to Pakistan's security.

The recognition that New Delhi is no longer the country's top security priority is major departure for Pakistan's army which in the past has used the 'Indian threat' to justify excessive military spending and funding militant groups to attack Indian forces in Kashmir.

But that assessment has changed since Taliban militants launched a wave of suicide bombings throughout the country and attacked military and police training colleges, and even the army and ISI's own headquarters.

A senior Pakistan intelligence source last night told The Daily Telegraph "We estimate the threat from internal forces to be priority number one," but stressed India still "loomed" in its defence considerations.

"India continues the loom large behind everything. That threat also remains," he added.

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