Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mosque Imam’s Wife Injects More Religious Fervor Into Ground Zero Debate

Mosque Imam’s Wife Injects More Religious Fervor Into Ground Zero Debate

Tensions being heightened as more elite backers are revealed
Steve Watson
Monday, Aug 23rd, 2010
The wife of ‘Imam’ Feisal Abdul Rauf, the founder of the proposed mosque three blocks away from ground zero in lower Manhattan has further fanned the flames of the controversy by comparing opposition to the project to a hatred of Jews.
“We are deeply concerned, because this is like a metastasized antisemitism,” Daisy Khan said in an interview with ABC News on Sunday.
Ms. Khan is an executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), putting her at the forefront of the proposed 15-story Cordoba House building, along with her husband Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.
“It’s beyond Islamophobia. It’s hate of Muslims.” Khan added in comments picked up and pushed by other mainstream media sources.

Khan, appearing on “This Week” said that she and her husband were determined to push ahead with the mosque, adding that there is “too much at stake.”
As we reported in our article last Friday, Imam Rauf is a sitting member of the ultra elitist Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) and in his role at ASMA has also received financial backing for the mosque from powerful globalist sources including the Rockefellers and the Carnegie Corporation.
Employees of the Cordoba Initiative have refused to comment on the connection, with one stating that “It is not necessary to disclose” who is funding the mosque.
It has since emerged that evangelist Jim Wallis and his Sojourners publication, the CFR’s “Christian” backers of the Cordoba project, are heavily backed by the left arm of the globalist franchise, billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Institute.
Another report revealed that Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, the co-owner of News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, has also directly funded Rauf’s projects to the tune of more than $300,000.
It seems that every elite tentacle is extending itself into the mosque project.
This information provides a compelling backdrop to the theory that the move to establish the mosque is a deliberate attempt to further stoke religious tensions and divert attention away from the real enemy of free humanity, the corporate globalist elite who continue to profit from global war and division.
Indeed, intelligence officials suggested over the weekend that the spectacle could boost extremist movements by fueling feelings of discrimination and vilification via ongoing extensive news media coverage in Muslim countries.

Scenes at the proposed site, some two minutes walk away from the World Trade Center complex, have become heated, with clashes between protesters both for and against the mosque.
The media is today playing up a video showing protesters confronting an African American man who they presumed was a muslim, but in fact was not.

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