Saturday, August 21, 2010

Assange "has skew perception of women"

Assange "has skew perception of women" - Stockholm News

Swedish and international media have today published the news that the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, first was charged in his absence on suspicion of rape and molestation in Stockholm, something the chief prosecutor later pulled back. Assange has the whole time denied the allegations. Now one of the two women behind the allegations speak out in Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet.

When the 30-year-old woman came into contact with a woman who told that Assange had raped her, the two went to the police.

It was during his current visit to Sweden, among else to hold talks and meet with representatives from the Pirate Party, that Julian Assange met the two women, who has not previously seen either him or each other. He is now suspected of raping one of the women and for molestation of the other.

The 30-year-old woman said that she, for her part claims to be a victim of molestation, but not a rape.

The origins of the police report came last Friday. Another woman approached her and told a similar, but worse history. The second woman is between 20 and 30 years of age.

For the sake of the ongoing police investigation, the 30-year old woman does not want to tell more details yet, but she has left a very detailed statement to the police. Also the other woman has made a detailed statement to the police.

"I immediately believed in what she told me because I had an experience similar to her story," the woman said to Aftonbladet.

The two women then decided to jointly go to the police to leave their statements.

She says that it is not true, as some media have reported, that they would be afraid of Assange and therefore refused to notify the police.

"He is not violent and I do not feel threatened by him," said the woman.

In both cases, it is about a situation starting as voluntary sex, that in a later stage overstepped into molestation.

"The other woman wanted to report the rape. I gave my story as a testimony to hers and to support her. We fully stand behind our statements."

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